Media Release: Join the Sovereign Movement

Seal of the Peoples of the Salmon

URGENT: Join the Sovereign Movement

Take Ownership of Your Property!

Vancouver, BC, October 28, 2021 – The Peoples of the Salmon (PotS), the original [in]digenous1 governors and keepers of the land of Kanata, are taking a brave stance to restore immunity from the tyranny and corruption of the government of the Corporation of Canada2, and encourage all Canadians to join in the fight to reinstate our Sovereign, Human Rights and Freedoms.

A Sovereign Affidavit of Status, birth certificate and passport, which offers immunity and solidarity with all Nations, will be provided to who join as a member.

In joining ‘Kanata’, consent to be governed by the Corporation of Canada is removed, land [en]titlements remain intact, Sovereign ID passports will be issued for global use, and once an account is in place and monetized, provision for a basic income to supplement employment will be invoked for all. Transparency is a must! A membership addresses two things; your exchange of energy for taking back your Birthright, and secondly to provide a passport app for use as an [ex]emption.

Headsman for the Peoples of the Salmon, Popois stated, “We all need to walk off this ‘corporate ship of [Ad]miralty’, and claim back our security of our PERSON, which was stolen from us with the birth certificate. When you join the Peoples of the Salmon, we will make sure that YOU are the secured party of your property, no longer a fetus on a mother-ship. You then reclaim your Sovereign Spirit. When we walk in unity, we will take us all out of the corporation… We all have a common goal to be free, to be sovereign, with our Common Law de jure government.”

A petition was created by the PotS to put an end to the anarchy of the governing bodies and all who have contributed to the genocide and crimes against humanity on “our home and Native land!” Before Parliament is recalled in November 22nd, we require five (5) million signatures, as a vote of non-confidence, to counter the suggested number of votes obtained by Justin Trudeau in the recent illegal election. The petition is addressed to Governor General Mary May Simon, and the purpose is to remove our consent to be governed and to revoke our consent for the listed types of entities and [in]dividuals to have [au]thority over our actions, choices and property.

Please sign and share this petition with all Canadians who desire a fruitful life and peace on Earth. The petition may be signed here:

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