Hayriver Stronghold
Hay River Stronghold continues… written by Lorena. Watch Eagle Vision News on ODYSEE for the latest. Scroll down on the homepage for links.
Government over-reach in Hay River continues as mainstream media cohorts with corporation of Canada (Government). Broadcasting grim insights of fires out of control, in hopes that scare tactics will force the people of Hay River to Evacuate.
“Is this about $$$ Lithium?“
According to our boots on the ground, all the news coming from cbc60 north is false. There are no fires out of control nor are there any hospitals burning down.
After a 3 day cloud of toxic haze, there are reports of hot spots that are being controlled by the Gestapo 10AM-5PM daily in order to maintain their narrative, and they are mostly along the roadways to show passerby’s. Rest assured this is all for show.
“There is definitely something they are trying to accomplish but we don’t know what that is”
-Stated a boots on the ground correspondent. Luckily the pen is mightier than the sword. Peoples of the salmon have all the necessary paperwork that shows they are on unseeded territory and have no claim to this land. Thus enabling them to demand that the Corp of Canada step off their land and …
Stand Your Ground!
This is why the Enforcement Packet was created! Post it on shops, your front door, deliver it to agents. It is available to all peoples, you don’t have to be a member. On Sale until October 28. Contact us if you need assistance to get your Gold Seal Notarized CERTIFIED TRUE COPY!
For updates, join us Sundays @ De Jure Governance 2-4:30PM PST. Use links on homepage.
September 8 Hayriver Posting >> tap to open
10AM September 8, 2023 Update: https://hayriver.com/2023-wildfire-updates/
Hay River Council will review the re-entry plan today. Details of the plan are intended to be released this afternoon. The dates for re-entry will be defined after the warmer dry weather this weekend has passed.
A good portion of the fires edge to the west of Hay River has been blacklined from the lake to the intersection of Highways 1 and 5. The drone flights have been providing information about hot spot locations which are being addressed by crews. The fires edge to the south of KFN has been contained and work on the fires edge to the east of KFN has been started.
Work continued yesterday putting out hot spots in Enterprise. Paradise Gardens will have a crew today utilizing the information from the drone flights to address remaining hot spots.
Go to the South Slave section. South Slave evacuees (Hay River, Enterprise, Fort Smith, K’atl’odeeche First Nation) who are evacuating by road to Alberta should proceed the nearest reception center as listed.
Support for businesses
NWT Residents and evacuees can call 1-844-259-1793 or email DisasterAssistance@gov.nt.ca to
ask evacuation and re-entry questions.
NWT Public Safety webpage with all the GNWT programs and services by category is at https://www.gov.nt.ca/en/public-safety
Questions on health and social services:
o https://www.nthssa.ca/…/wil…/health-services-evacuees-qa
o https://www.gov.nt.ca/…/gnwt-announces-funding-evacuees…
Hay River Emergency Management Information Line is available at 1 833-699-0188 between 8AM and 5PM.
Canada Employment Insurance Benefits
Employment Insurance (EI) benefits and leave information for workers, families, fishers and sickness, how to apply and how to submit a report.
NWT Fire Updates
Twice daily NWT Fire updates about the fire in the Hay River area.
GNWT Evacuee Income Disruption Support Program
The Evacuee Income Disruption Support program can be directed to EIDS@gov.nt.ca . Q&A are at https://www.fin.gov.nt.ca/…/evacu…/questions-and-answers
Highway Conditions Map
The highways in the NWT have intermittent closures due to fire conditions. Information is available on this page.
Mental Health Supports
A listing of NWT Mental Health Supports for Evacuees.