
November 10, 2024    
2:00 pm - 4:30 pm


Vancouver Longhouse
2595 Franklin Street, Vancouver, British Columbia, V5K 1X5

Event Type

Map Unavailable

🦅Peoples of the Salmon de Jure Governance🦅

On Sundays 2PM PST, we all gather at the Vancouver Longhouse, or online at PotS ZOOM >> (see phone-in below), or at remote locations or events around the world. All are Welcome 🙂 

Please Note: Sharing’s may not represent PotS, Alliance, or Members views, so please discern for yourselves. Open your heart to healing and change as we release old thinking and move forward together in a good way. We are very grateful you have come to share time with us. We respect tribal practice and usage. When you are done speaking, say “Gwatleena” (“i am done speaking”)

We ask Creator, Universal Source for Protection. We ask for darkness and negativity to be cleared. We honour those at the longhouse each week, as Sage is lit, Spirit Plate is put on the table. Our Unity Flag is of Peace, Trade and Good Governance. We work for the Highest Good – for All Peoples.

2:00 PM PST Opening Prayer & Luncheon
New Wolverines walk off ship on the last Sunday of each month

2:15 PM AGENDA Hosted by Headsman

3:30PM Floor opens for new business | Q&A | kind remarks

4-4:30 PM Closing Prayer

Watch on ODYSEE

Our Tribunal consists of ten Original Peoples who reside in Kanat’an

  • Popois, Peoples of the Salmon Headsman
  • Hemajolas is the Wolverine Clan Headsman
  • Maathlaatlaa is our Grandfather

The best way to start an Intentional Community of like-minded individuals is to first start an event or project. Recruit. Meet at a regular time daily, weekly, monthly or annually. For example, Peoples of the Salmon de Jure Governance  meets every Sunday. Next steps: List problems to solve; prioritize them; and organize group projects to provide solutions. For example, cleanup and regenerate SOIL AIR WATER, or build self-sufficient sanctuaries. Next Steps: List individual and group skills & strengths; and isolate weaknesses to work on. Additional ongoing requirements: Heal & open hearts. Learn self-assessment; interpersonal relationship skills; communications; conflict resolution & negotiation skills. Contract Law and Trust Law. HAVE FUN 🙂

All Rights Reserved.: Claim of Rights.: Without Prejudice. Copyright © 2024 Peoples of the Salmon

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Passcode: 107698
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Meeting ID: 853 403 5919
Passcode: 107698
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